Published on 30-Nov-2020

X-550 Falls 35 Feet – and Still Testing!

X-550  Falls 35 Feet – and Still Testing!

Other portable XRF manufacturers talk about their drop test ratings – dropping their XRF units 3 or 4 feet onto a plywood surface. Big deal. Any XRF can survive that. We drop ours off a 35’ platform onto a brick floor, bust it wide open, and it still works just fine. Now, that’s a drop test to talk about.

Carrying around a $30,000 analyzer can make even the most confident NDT/PMI engineer a little nervous, but with SciAps, you can relax.

Recently, an engineer climbed a 35-foot tower with the SciAps X-550 among his gear. In a series of unfortunate events, a portion of his pack failed, and the brand-new analyzer fell to the brick surface below. Expecting the analyzer to be smashed into little pieces—a huge investment now beyond repair—he found a cracked but still-working analyzer. The detector, tube, and main boards all survived the fall. Now, that’s the definition of durable!

SciAps Service repaired the analyzer—as good as new—for $676.

We know our customers don’t work in ivory towers. They work in demanding landscapes and need an analyzer as rugged as they are.

With your job site in mind, we design our analyzers to keep you in business.


If the X-550 works this great after a 35-foot fall, imagine enjoying the speed and accuracy of an intact analyzer!


1. SciAps


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