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service Established in early 2018 in Sheffield. ABM NDT Ltd is dedicated to providing quality, independent non-destructive testing NDT services to a global customer base.

United Kingdom

Established in early 2018 in Sheffield. ABM NDT Ltd is dedicated to providing quality, independent non-destructive testing NDT services to a global customer base.

In 2020 they moved into their new Rotherham NDT site with some of the best NDT facilities in the country.

ABM NDT offers Level 3 services by PCN/ISO 9712 in the following methods.

  • Ultrasonic Testing (UT) - Welds, Forgings & Castings
  • Magnetic Testing (MT)
  • Dye Penetrant Testing (PT)

They offers Level 2 services by PCN/ISO 9712 in the following methods.

  • Ultrasonic Testing (UT) - Welds, Forgings & Castings
  • Magnetic Testing (MT)
  • Dye Penetrant Testing (PT)
  • Visual Inspection (VT)

In addition to being PCN qualified in the above disciplines, they also have extensive knowledge and can advise in the following areas.

  • Hardness Testing, most methods including Brinell and Rockwell
  • Quality systems and documentation
  • Welding processes
  • General engineering quality issues.

They have extensive experience following industries.

  • Nuclear
  • Oil/Gas
  • General/Heavy Engineering
  • Lifting Gear/Cranes
  • Steel Manufacturing/Foundries/Heat Treatment
  • Automotive
  • Renewable Energy
  • Power Generation
  • Construction

ABM NDT leads consultant Mark Brailsford has over a decade of experience in the field of NDT, many of those at the director level.

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