Canadian Institute For Non-Destructive Evaluation
CINDE (Canadian Institute for Non-destructive Evaluation) is a not-for-profit organization offering professional membership and education for NDT personnel
We promote and participate in the development and application of NDT in Canada and internationally through society membership, conferences, a technical Journal, this website, educational programs, book sales, research, qualification activities, and consulting services. Our facilities provide approved test centers for conducting Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) examinations for the Department of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and Certified Exposure Device Operator (CEDO) examinations for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). Training is conducted by accredited instructors who bring a diversity of experience from all industries and emphasize a practical "hands-on" approach.
CINDE was introduced on May 15, 2001, once the amalgamation of CSNDT (Canadian Society for Nondestructive Testing) and the NDE Institute of Canada was complete. The beginnings of these organizations date back many years.
During the Second World War, NDT became recognized as a useful and necessary means of assuring quality. The fifties and early sixties saw dynamic growth in NDT throughout the industrialized world. A very successful International Conference was held in Brussels in 1955, leading to the formation of an international committee to promote further events.
During the Third International Conference in Tokyo in 1960, Canada was asked to hold a conference. As a result, the Canadian Council for Nondestructive Technology was incorporated in 1964 to organize the Fifth International Conference for NDT in Montreal in 1967. The success of the Montreal Conference assured the future of NDT in Canada, and a decision was made to form a truly National Society. In 1970, CSNDT was incorporated.
Out of CSNDT came the CSNDT Foundation which was established in December 1976, receiving status as a charitable, educational institution under Federal Charter. Its name was later changed to the NDE Institute of Canada in 1986.
The process has come full circle, and the organizations are again one.