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Huang Shi ShangFang Inspection Equipment Co., Ltd(SFJCNDT)

SFJCNDT,Huang Shi ShangFang Inspection Equipment Co., Ltd is a technology enterprise specializing in the production of non-destructive testing equipment.Our main products are X-ray flaw detectors, Metal corrugated ceramic X-ray tube, Ultrasonic flaw detectors, Pipeline crawler

NDT Manufacturer

Huang Shi ShangFang Inspection Equipment Co., Ltd is a technology enterprise specializing in the production of non-destructive testing equipment. Leading the industry and 

constantly facing new limits.

It was founded in Shanghai in 2001, and build the production base in Huang Shi in 2008.

Our main products are X-ray flaw detectors, Metal corrugated ceramic X-ray tube, Ultrasonic flaw detectors, Pipeline crawler, magneOc flaw detectors, ultrasonic Thickness gauges and all of their accessories.

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