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5th Singapore International NDT Conference & Exhibition

The fifth iteration of the Singapore International Non-Destructive Testing Conference and Exhibition (SINCE2025), organized by the Non-Destructive Testing Society Singapore (NDTSS), will be held at the Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium on Thursday, February 27, and Friday, February 28, 2025.

The conference will feature a technical program showcasing the latest research and technological advancements in NDT, along with practical applications across all major industrial sectors. Keynote presentations from internationally renowned industry leaders will headline the program. The associated exhibition will highlight the strong connections between research, development, and the equipment and instruments utilized in the industry.

SINCE2025 aims to provide a unique platform for establishing contacts and exchanging experiences, new developments, and ideas among local, regional, and international delegates from diverse expertise areas. The next generation of industrial production and product lifecycle management involves comprehensive networking of all industry areas (Industry 4.0). NDT must align with these trends by adapting techniques to new technologies, such as additive manufacturing, and by integrating cyber systems into inspection and maintenance processes. The conference theme, “Driving Safety and Sustainability through Non-Destructive Testing,” reflects these advancements.

SINCE2025 welcomes original contributions from practicing NDT professionals, engineers, scientists, and developers in academia, research, and industry (manufacturers, suppliers, service providers, and end-users) on various aspects of non-destructive testing and evaluation, including but not limited to the following areas:

Areas of Presentation:

  • Digitalisation and NDE 4.0
  • Novel and Non-traditional NDT Techniques and Applications
  • Infrared Testing, Thermography, Thermal NDT
  • Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
  • Long Range Guided Wave Inspection (LRUT)
  • Laser-based NDT including holography and shearography
  • Radiographic Testing including Computed Tomography
  • Visual and Optical Testing
  • Penetrant and Leak Testing
  • Acoustic Emission Testing
  • Magnetic Testing
  • Eddy Current, Flux Leakage, and Electromagnetic Testing
  • NDT for Additive Manufacturing
  • Signal and Image Processing in NDT/NDE
  • Modelling and Simulation
  • Materials Characterisation
  • Automation of NDT/NDE
  • Application-specific NDT/NDE
  • Education, Training, and Certification

About Non-Destructive Testing Society (Singapore)

Non-Destructive Testing Society (Singapore) was established in 1997 as a non-profit voluntary organization to serve the local NDT professionals and Industry. In the past, it was engaged in providing the latest information on technical developments to the local community through meetings and technical talks. The Executive committee consists of a vast pool of professionals who will steer it towards its goals.

NDTSS is Registered with “The Registry of Society” since 1997

Its objectives are:

  • To  promote  non-destructive  testing  technology  and the professional  status  of  members;
  • To generate awareness of non-destructive testing among industries;
  • To provide a common platform for members for  the sharing of information through seminars and the publication of newsletters
  • To promote the exchange of information on non-destructive testing by networking with other similar societies;
  • To provide education to members in non-destructive testing
  • To provide  NDT training and certification to Non-Destructive Testing Professionals in   accordance with the Quality Manual and procedures established by the Society


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